
2024-04-08: [RELEASE] v0.25.0 release - compatible with qtile 0.25.0
2024-03-10: [FEATURE] Expose widget popup menu commands and allow custom positioning
2024-03-02: [BUGFIX] Fix bug for volume widgets where bar crashes if volume is greater than 100%
2024-03-02: [BUGFIX] Fix popup menus ignoring config
2024-02-17: [FEATURE] Add `AnimatedImage` widget
2024-02-16: [FEATURE] Allow pango markup in `PopupText` controls
2024-02-09: [BUGFIX] Handle connection errors in `GithubNotifications` widget
2024-01-20: [RELEASE] v0.24.0 - compatible with qtile 0.24.0
2024-01-20: [PYPI] Enable release workflow to push future releases to PyPI
2024-01-20: [BUGFIX] Fix `Visualiser` bug with `hide=True`
2024-01-20: [FEATURE] Add `GroupBox2` widget
2023-12-21: [FEATURE] Add `IWD` widget
2023-11-17: [BUGFIX] Prevent double hooks for Mpris2 widget
2023-11-13: [BUGFIX] A neater fix for the `Visualiser` CPU bug
2023-11-13: [BUGFIX] Fix `fraction` KeyError in `UpowerWidget`
2023-11-13: [FEATURE] Add `invert` option to `Visualiser` to draw bars from top down
2023-11-12: [BUGFIX] (Trying to) fix increasing CPU with `Visualiser` widget
2023-11-11: [DOCS] Update installation instructions
2023-11-10: [FEATURE] Add custom hooks to certain widgets (refer to docs for more)
2023-10-16: [FEATURE] Updated `Bluetooth` widget to add context menu
2023-10-08: [BUGFIX] Fix `BrightnessControl` text display issue in `Bar` mode
2023-10-07: [BUGFIX] Tooltip position on multiple screens
2023-10-07: [BUGFIX] Fix issue with decorations stacked on top of `PowerLineDecoration` taking wrong width.
2023-10-01: [BREAKING CHANGE] Update `PulseVolume` and `PulseVolumeExtra` to reflect updates pushed to qtile.
                              Needs latest qtile git version. 
2023-09-29: [RELEASE] v0.23.0 released - compatible with qtile 0.23.0
2023-09-18: [FEATURE] Add experimental support for `GlobalMenu` in Wayland.
2023-09-17: [TESTS] Check decorations are rendered correctly during test suite
2023-09-16: [FEATURE] Add more popup templates for `Mpris2` widget
2023-09-16: [FEATURE] Add `PulseVolumeExtra` widget
2023-09-01: [BUGFIX] Fix two `RectDecoration` rendering bugs (issues #266 and #267)
2023-08-13: [BUGFIX] Fix `PowerLineDecoration` for Wayland (and make it generally better)
2023-08-10: [BUGFIX] X11 - fix issue with translucent decorations resulting in artefacts (needs latest qtile).
2023-08-06: [BREAKING CHANGE] Update imports to align with qtile codebase tidy. You need latest qtile git version.
2023-08-04: [BREAKING CHANGE] Fix decorations to work with wlroots0.16 update in qtile.
                              Note: You must be on latest git version of qtile.
2023-04-09: [BUGFIX] Fix menus in `StatusNotifier` for updated electron apps
2023-01-13: [FEATURE] Add support for local icons in `StatusNotifier` context menus
2023-01-03: [FEATURE] Add `PopupCircularProgress` control to popup toolkit
2022-12-31: [BUGFIX] Fix bug in `LiveFootballScores` info popup with excess separators
2022-12-26: [FEATURE] Add decoration grouping to BorderDecorations
2022-12-25: [BUGFIX] Catch errors where `SnapCast` widget can't retrieve ID from server
2022-12-22: [FEATURE] Add `Syncthing` widget
2022-12-21: [BUGFIX] Fix issue redrawing controls after mouse focus change
2022-12-20: [FEATURE] Add `ProgressBarMixin` and convert `ALSAWidget` and `BrightnessControl` to use mixin
2022-12-19: [BUGFIX] Update `StravaWidget` to `stravalib v1.1.0` (NB new dependency `pint`)
2022-12-03: [FEATURE] Add extended popup to `Mpris2`
2022-12-02: [BUGFUX] Fix startup slowdown caused by `ALSAWidget` 
2022-12-02: [BUGHFIX] Fixed bug when drawing masked images with `Image` widget
2022-12-01: [FEATURE] Add ability to fine tune position of `AnalogueClock`
2022-11-29: [BUGFIX] Handle JSON error in `TVHWidget`
2022-11-26: [FEATURE] Add extended popup to `LiveFootballScores`
2022-11-24: [BUGFIX] Fix bug where decoration crashes on widget initialised inside a `WidgetBox`
2022-11-23: [FEATURE] Add extended popups to `ALSAWidget` and `BrightnessControl` (experimental)
2022-11-22: [FEATURE] Add ability to draw border in different colour in `RectDecoration`
2022-11-22: [BUGFIX] Fix `RectDecoration` grouping when not filled
2022-11-18: [FEATURE] Add support for web-based images in `PopupImage` and `Image` widget
2022-11-18: [FEATURE] Add ability to draw border on `PopupSlider` controls
2022-11-18: [FEATURE] Add `ExtendedPopupMixin` to simplify adding popups to widgets
2022-11-18: [FEATURE] Add `MenuMixin` and `DBusMenuMixin` to standardise approach to widget menus
2022-11-17: [FEATURE] Add HTTPDigest authentication to `TVHWidget`
2022-11-13: [FEATURE] Add ability to update popup control values
2022-11-12: [BUGFIX] Fix menu bug in `GlobalMenu`
2022-11-12: [FEATURE] `PopupImage` can display an alternative image as a highlight
2022-11-12: [BUGFIX] Fix away goal and red card indicator locations when using `PowerLineDecoration`
2022-11-12: [BUGFIX] More fixes to decorations on mirrored widgets
2022-11-12: [BUGFIX] More `RectDecoration` clipping fixes
2022-11-12: [FEATURE] Add ability to set position of popup relative to corners, midpoints and centre of screen
2022-11-11: [DOCS] Update Arch installation instructions
2022-11-11: [BUGFIX] Fix infinite recursion error with decorated widget configuration
2022-11-11: [BUGFIX] Fix `RectDecoration` clipping when widget is resized
2022-11-11: [BUGFIX] Fix menu position for `StatusNotifier` and `GlobalMenu` widgets
2022-11-10: [BUGFIX] Better handling of decorations on mirrored widgets
2022-11-10: [BUGFIX] Fix `Visualiser` segfault
2022-11-08: [FEATURE] Add improvements to `StatusNotifier` menus
2022-11-07: [FEATURE] Add ability to resize icons in `ALSAWidget` 
2022-11-06: [BUGFIX] `WiFiIcon` internet check handles other exceptions
2022-11-05: [BUGFIX] Hide `LiveFootballScores` widget when no match
2022-11-01: [BUGFIX] Fix `StatusNotifier` menu bug where submenus do not appear
2022-10-27: [BUGFIX] Fix Graph widgets to work with decorations
2022-10-26: [FEATURE] `WiFiIcon`: Disable background internet check by default
2022-10-25: [BUGFIX] Fix padding in `TooltipMixin`
2022-10-25: [FEATURE] Allow overriding of colours for `PowerLineDecoration`
2022-10-20: [FEATURE] `WiFiIcon`: Add ability to always show SSID
2022-10-20: [FEATURE] `WiFiIcon`: Add test to check whether device is connected to the internet
2022-10-16: [FEATURE] Add `ContinuousPoll` widget
2022-10-15: [BUGFIX] Fix `RectDecoration` reload bug with `use_widget_background`
2022-10-10: [UPSTREAM] Change command syntax to match changes to qtile codebase (needs latest git version of qtile)
2022-10-05: [BUGFIX] Fix IndexError on grouped `RectDecoration` (issue #126)
2022-10-04: [BUGFIX] Fix `extrawidth` with `PowerlineDecoration`
2022-10-04: [FEATURE] Allow users to add extra width at the end of a decoration.
2022-10-04: [BUGFIX] Fix `Visualizer` image size bug
2022-10-04: [TESTS] Pin `pytest-cov` to 3.0.0 to retain `multiprocessing` support
2022-09-24: [BUGFIX] Improve icon background rendering in `Systray` with `RectDecoration`
2022-02-22: [RELEASE] v0.22.1 (skipped v0.22.0)
2022-09-22: [BUGFIX] Stop multiple visualiser processes being spawned by widget
2022-09-19: [FEATURE] Add `Visualizer` widget
2022-09-16: [BUGFIX] Fix transparency issue in `PowerLineDecoration`
2022-09-13: [FEATURE] Add clipping to `RectDecoration`
2022-09-11: [FEATURE] Add grouping to `RectDecoration`
2022-09-11: [BUGFIX] Fix mouse callback bug in `WifiIcon` widget
2022-08-24: [BUGFIX] Better handling of popup finalisation
2022-08-19: [BUGFIX] Unsubscribe signal callbacks in `Upower` widget on restart
2022-08-19: [BUGFIX] Fix bug where `GlobalMenu` is not shown for current window after restart
2022-08-19: [BUGFIX] Fix menu position for `StatusNotifier` for multiple monitors
2022-08-18: [FEATURE] Add `PowerLineDecoration`
2022-07-27: [FEATURE] Add `fill_charge` to UPower widget
2022-07-21: [BUGFIX] Fix CurrentLayoutIcon to work with latest git version
2022-07-21: [BUGFIX] Fix blocking API calls in Snapcast and GithubNotification widgets
2022-07-07: [BUGFIX] Fix UPowerWidget not showing text on click when fontsize is None
2022-07-03: [PACKAGING] Use git versioning details
2022-07-03: [BUGFIX] Fix scaling on CurrentLayoutIcon and disable `use_mask=True` default
2022-07-02: [PACKAGING] Fix missing files in package
2022-07-02: [BUGFIX] Fix WordClock crash at certain times
2022-07-01: [FEATURE] Add CurrentLayoutIcon widget (with colour icons)
2022-06-28: [FEATURE] Add GithubNotifications widget
2022-06-28: [BUGFIX] Fix keyboard navigation for toolkit (must be on latest git version of qtile)
2022-05-26: [CONFIG_BREAK] Use `foreground` to set font colour, rather than `font_colour`
2022-05-08: [FEATURE] Add GlobalMenu widget (alpha version!)
2022-05-08: [FEATURE] Add AnalogueClock widget
2022-04-29: [FEATURE] Add ability to display widgets in popup window
2022-03-16: [BUGFIX] Better positioning of popups on multiscreen setups (#50)
2022-03-15: [BUGFIX] Ensure toolkit disables naviagation when no focusable controls (#49)
2022-03-15: [DOCS] Fix docs build error (git --> https)
2022-03-05: [GITHUB] Require PRs to update CHANGELOG
2022-03-05: [BUGFIX] Fix tooltip only showing once
2022-03-05: [BUGFIX] Better handling of empty menus in StatusNotifier widget
2022-01-09: [FEATURE] Add SnapCast widget (missing some functionality)