

class qtile_extras.widget.decorations.BorderDecoration(**config)

Widget decoration that draws a straight line on the widget border. Padding can be used to adjust the position of the border further.

Only one colour can be set but decorations can be layered to achieve multi-coloured effects.


Stacked borders

key default description
border_width 2 Border width as int or list of ints [N E S W].
colour '#000000' Border colour
padding 0 Default padding
padding_x None X Padding. Overrides 'padding' if set
padding_y None Y Padding. Overrides 'padding' if set


class qtile_extras.widget.decorations.PowerLineDecoration(**config)

Widget decoration that can be used to recreate the PowerLine style.

The advantages of the decoration are:
  • No fonts needed

  • The same decoration definition can be used for all widgets (the decoration works out which background and foreground colours to use)

  • Different styles can be used by changing a few parameters of the decoration

The decoration works by adding the shape after the current widget. The decoration will also be hidden if a widget has zero width (i.e. is hidden).

The shape is drawn in area whose size is defined by the size parameter. This area is drawn after the widget but can be shifted back by using the shift parameter. Shifting too far will result in widget contents being drawn over the shape.

The default behavious is to draw an arrow pointing right. To change the shape you can use pre-defined paths: “arrow_left”, “arrow_right”, “forward_slash”, “back_slash” and “zig_zag”. Alternatively, you can create a custom shape by defining a path. The format is a list of (x, y) tuples. x and y values should be between 0 and 1 to represent the relative position in the additional space created by the decoration. (0, 0) is the top left corner (on a horizontal widget) and (1, 1) is the bottom right corner. The first point in the list is the starting point and then a line will be drawn to each subsequent point. The path is then closed by returning to the first point. Finally, the shape is filled with the background of the current widget.


The decoration currently only works on horizontal bars. The padding_y parameter can be used to adjust the vertical size of the decoration. However, note that this won’t change the size of the widget’s own background. If you want to do that, you can use the following:

powerline = {
    "decorations": [
        RectDecoration(use_widget_background=True, padding_y=5, filled=True, radius=0),
        PowerLineDecoration(path="arrow_right", padding_y=5)

The RectDecoration has the same padding and will use the widget’s background parameter as its own colour.

Example code:

from qtile_extras import widget
from qtile_extras.widget.decorations import PowerLineDecoration

powerline = {
    "decorations": [

screens = [
                widget.CurrentLayoutIcon(background="000000", **powerline),
                widget.WindowName(background="222222", **powerline),
                widget.Clock(background="444444", **powerline),

The above code generates the following bar:















path=[(0, 0), (0.5, 0), (0.5, 0.25), (1, 0.25), (1, 0.75), (0.5, 0.75), (0.5, 1), (0, 1)]

key default description
padding 0 Default padding
padding_x None X Padding. Overrides 'padding' if set
padding_y None Y Padding. Overrides 'padding' if set
path 'arrow_left' Shape of decoration. See docstring for more info.
shift 0 Number of pixels to shift the decoration back by.
size 15 Width of shape


class qtile_extras.widget.decorations.RectDecoration(**config)

Widget decoration that draws a rectangle behind the widget contents.

Only one colour can be set but decorations can be layered to achieve multi-coloured effects.

Rectangles can be drawn as just the the outline or filled.

Curved corners can be obtained by setting the radius parameter.

To have the effect of multiple widgets using the same decoration (e.g. the curved ends appearing on the first and last widgets) use the group=True option.

The advantage of using the group option is that the group is dynamic meaning that it is drawn according to the widgets that are currently visible in the group. The group will adjust if a window becomes visible or hidden.

decoration_group = {
    "decorations": [
        RectDecoration(colour="#004040", radius=10, filled=True, padding_y=4, group=True)
    "padding": 10,

screens = [
                extrawidgets.Clock(format="%H:%M:%S", **decoration_group),

There are two groups in this config: Group 1 is the CurrentLayout widget. Group 2 is the StatusNotifier, Mpris2, Clock and ScriptExit widgets. The groups are separated by the Spacer widget.

When there is no active icon in the StatusNotifier, the bar looks like this:


When there is an icon, the group is expanded to include the widget:


Note the group is not broken despite the Mpris2 widget having no contents.

Groups are determined by looking for:
  • widgets using the identical configuration for the decoration

  • widgets in a consecutive groups

Groups can therefore be broken by changing the configuration of the group (e.g. by adding an additional parameter such as group_id=1) or having an undecorated separator between groups.

Setting clip=True will result in the widget’s contents being restricted to the area covered by the decoration. This may be desirable for widgets like ALSAWidget and BrightnessControl which draw their levels in the bar.



Single decoration


Two decorations stacked

key default description
clip False Clip contents of widget to decoration area.
colour '#000000' Colour for decoration
filled False Whether to fill shape
group False When set to True, the decoration will be applied as if the widgets were grouped. See documentation for more.
line_width 2 Line width for decoration
padding 0 Default padding
padding_x None X Padding. Overrides 'padding' if set
padding_y None Y Padding. Overrides 'padding' if set
radius 4 Corner radius as int or list of ints [TL TR BR BL]. 0 is square
use_widget_background False Paint the decoration using the colour from the widget's `background` property. The widget's background will then be the bar's background colour.